Electricity and Heating in Italy


Anyone who has watched the address by the recently elected Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni must admit that she is fiery. A good literature student may allude that her powerful mien may just be enough to warm up and lighten Italy during this winter and beyond. Forget all that you’ve just read above. This is not meant to be a political post but a yardstick to guide anyone having plans of living in Italy. We give hints on electricity and heating utilities in Italy with an aim to make you properly choose and adjust budget. 

The first priority for many of us when we move to a new home is comfort. Without comfort, you won’t feel like you are truly settled. The first step to true comfort is connecting and setting up your utility. In a country like Italy where the winters get really cold, you will require a good heating system. 

To save time and costs, it’s essential to understand how electricity and heating works in Italy. You should start by asking your landlord about the utilities that are available in the house before you move in. I should warn you however, that dealing with the providers might be stressful if your Italian is not good. 

House Heating and Electricity Supply in Italy 

You will be pleased to know that most properties in Italy are already connected to the mains services for electricity and gas. This is good news because it makes your task simpler and less time consuming. So, your best bet will be to transfer the utilities in your own name to make payments easier. 

You can also choose to open a new account. However, I wouldn’t recommend this because it can be time consuming and unnecessary. Besides, disconnecting and connecting again can be expensive. Most households in Italy use electricity and gas for heating. Most providers conduct meter readings once or twice a year. 

However, they will send you an estimated bill every two months. Don’t worry about these figures because they will be adjusted appropriately after each meter reading. Also note that paying your bills will be simple. You just need to organize a direct debit from your bank. 

You can also find out about house heating and Electricity in Austria. 

Setting up Gas and Electricity connections in Italy 

To set up any utility service in Italy you need a valid tax number (Codice Fiscale). Once you confirm that you have it, you’ll need to change the account holder’s name through voltura.  It is not only the simplest way but also less time-consuming. Ensure that you take the meter reading before you move into your new apartment. This will be helpful in confirming whether the previous bills have been paid. It also helps you to keep a track of your own usage. 

However, if you find that your account is not active, you will be forced to proceed with a subentro. Subentro simply refers to signing up for a new contract in your name.  Most providers will need your details and the previous account holder’s details. 

You should also ensure that you have the POD (Point Of Delivery) code for electricity, and the POR (Point of Supply) code for gas. You can access this information from previous bills. Be prepared to pay activation costs when making a new activation. 

Paying for Heating and Electricity Services in Italy 

As soon as you have activated your new utility account, you can expect to receive your bills. Depending on your provider, you might receive a bill every month or every two months. Most providers in Italy send bills to their customers through the post. 

Your provider will likely give you a number of payment options. Some will even allow you to pay at any post office. However, I recommend getting a local bank account. Direct debit payments are not only popular but also secure. 

You should expect your provider to read your meter once or twice a year. Remember that they’ll be sending monthly estimates so you can ensure that they adjust your bills to reflect the correct use.  I should also let you know that you could incur extra charges if you put your bills in your new landlord’s name.

Electricity Providers in Italy 

The good news for you is that there are many electricity providers in Italy. Italy’s energy sector is highly liberalized and regulated. Therefore, you can compare prices and find the most affordable option for you. You should also pay close attention to the customer service and quality of service offered by a provider. 

Until the early 2000s, ENEL was the only provider in the country. Fast forward to today and you will find several players in the market with varying services and prices. The main providers in the market today are ENI or EDISON and Servizio Elettrico Roma. However, your options are not limited to these two since there are more than 40 providers. 

While some providers are available throughout the country, others only serve specific areas. So, check which providers are available in your area. All providers use the same electricity network and therefore deliver the same services. The only difference is the pricing. 

Some providers have also branched out to other utilities such as gas and internet. Choosing a single provider for most of your utility needs will give you great value for your money. The average Italian household spends around € 64 monthly for electricity. So you can compare it against your own bill. 

Gas Providers in Italy 

While in Italy, you will notice that most people use gas for heating and cooking. Italy is divided into 6 distinct payment zones. They do this because the country has different climates. For instance, if you live in Palermo you will spend less on gas than in Milan. 

However, the costs will also vary depending on the efficiency of the heating system and the isolation of the house. Apartments with a centralized heating system have their bills split evenly between households. 
