Mobile Phone Subscription in Denmark 


Denmark in many ways is a great destination for people looking to make it a home. With many internationals arriving in Denmark as students, researchers, workers, accompanying family, family reunification, Au pair and other such possibilities, the need to have clear idea about mobile phone subscription and options for internet services in the country.

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One thing that so many arriving in Denmark from abroad will agree about is the folly of imagining that phone subscription isn’t a priority. On the one hand, Denmark has a well developed mobile phone service market with many companies servicing expectant customers. But, when coming to Denmark, it’s key to ensure that the mobile phone provider that you settle on finally meets your individual needs.  Anyone will really like to compare various service providers on aspects such as costs, reliability, customer engagement, efficiency and such. 

Denmark in a Nutshell for newcomers

For anyone who knows completely nothing about Denmark, the fact that it is among the world’s happiest countries is one open reality. Regardless of what brings you to Denmark; be it as a student, adventure, research or any other, having a reliable mobile phone service provider is one way to personally contribute to self happiness.

For a snapshot about what makes Denmark an attractive place to visit for foreigners, read this article on What is Denmark known for?  One thing However, with the charming and sophisticated old towns also comes the pressure to stay connected. Hence, the widespread access to the internet and cellular device revolution in Denmark comes as no surprise. Almost every person in the country owns a phone, uses voice call and SMS services and above all regularly subscribe to data packages.

Like other countries in Europe, Denmark enjoys a variety of mobile phone services from various companies. These companies do their best to keep their customers satisfied with amazing offers and packages  for voice calls, internet and SMS. With the high tech mobile phone that most people in Denmark own thanks to the good salaries for all categories of work and a basketful of loans, having reliable phone services is a great thing.

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Get your first Mobile phone subscription today

Now that it is clear that mobile phone subscription in Denmark isn’t something to ignore, the most natural thing that should cross the mind of a newcomer is what companies to look for. Top in mind should be a search for that company which offers affordable and reliable services without necessarily trading that off with good customer service. Nobody wants to subscribe to a company whose customer support acts so dismissively or maliciously every time they are called on for help. Bad customer experiences from mobile phone service providers in Denmark isn’t a common thing but not completely non-existent. 

With a very much open telecommunications market in Denmark, the jostle for customers is a real thing among the mobile phone companies. You will likely get a boss-like treatment by every provider. Similarly, every company tries to win the loyalty of customers through a mix of strategy including but not limited to competitive packages, seasonal rewards and surveys for collecting feedback. 

Popular Cellular Phone Service Providers in Denmark

Picture a situation in which you are new to Denmark and somehow stranded trying to find your way through the vast city of Copenhagen or anywhere else. Put in a different setting, maybe you need to catch a taxi to a destination but hasn’t had an internet connection yet. This can be an awkward situation.

At least nobody wants to find self in desperate situations before making the quick move to get a best mobile phone service provider in Denmark. instead, it saves the headache to just check around well in good time, identify the best of the best provider and run with it. For emphasis, a mobile phone subscription in Denmark will not only make your life easier but also ensure that you stay connected everywhere. 

The telephone market in Denmark is one ground where fierce competition among providers play out each day. This competition makes it essential for consumers to analyse and identify the service that suits them best. Denmark has four main mobile phone service providers as of 2022.

The major mobile phone service providers in Denmark include;

  • YouSee
  • Telia
  • Telenor

There are also some smaller companies including Lebara, Oister and TDC Holdings.

How to Subscribe to a Mobile Phone Service in Denmark  

Getting a mobile phone subscription in Denmark means you need a CPR number and a local bank account. However, this can be challenging especially for non-locals who might not have a CPR number. In this case, the prepaid mobile phone plan is the next best thing as it offers maximum flexibility. Both the Prepaid SIM card and calling cards are available at most phone stores, post offices, and kiosks. 

One disadvantage to this option is the higher per-use fee that it comes with. Expats could also find the prepaid data plan deals wanting as they cannot be used outside Denmark. 

Getting a mobile phone subscription majorly depends on an individual’s needs. The truth some people prefer to text while others would rather make a call. Access to the internet with more bandwidth and special international calling rates also influence your choice. Therefore, to make an informed decision, it is wise to understand your needs and run them against offers from different companies. 

Best Prepaid SIM Card in Denmark 

As many expats can attest, travel in Northern Europe can be crazy expensive. So, the first step to saving costs is identifying the cheapest SIM card. In Denmark purchasing a prepaid SIM card is simple and fast as long as you are not a tourist. Unlike other countries, cell phone internet service providers in Denmark no longer sell prepaid cards. What to do? Your options are thus limited to Mobile Virtual Network operators (Lycamobile and Lebara Mobile. Lycamobile has been identified as the most convenient one. However, it is only recommended for travel in Denmark since it does not support European Roaming.        

Lebara Denmark  

Lebara mobile is the most common SIM available to tourists. The cards are fairly priced which could be why many will opt to get them. They have a range of offers including airtime and data. It’s interesting nonetheless, that none of these offers include both data and minutes.

One has to buy data packages depending on their internet needs. However, subscribing to this service might subject you to a lot of hidden restrictions/fees. Further, it does not support international roaming and can only be used in Denmark. 

Lycamobile Denmark

Lycamobile SIM cards are available in some supermarkets and are kind of similar to Lebara. Nevertheless, they are way cheaper (4 dollars or less) and come with 10 Kroners worth of airtime for calling. Their packages are also cheaper and include data, unlimited texting, and calling time. Lycamobile data allows capped roaming within Europe. The capping of the packages therefore makes it expensive to travel beyond Denmark. EU roaming on this SIM card is also limited.
