Going about internet needs in Spain


Talk of Spain, the haven of different attractions that leaves visitors marvelling and longing for more. The beauty of Spain  is not in the art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, cuisine, and natural spaces but all these combined. Whatever reasons bring you to Spain; as a worker or holiday reveller, having a reliable internet connection makes life easier each day. If you don’t need the internet to connect to friends then maybe work, browsing, studying will demand it. 

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It is possible to assume that internet subscription in Spain isn’t something to scratch your head about. This notion is partly true as there are so many internet service providers in the country. However, any person coming to Spain needs to have a rough idea on how to entirely go about internet needs. Moreover, so many private and public services in Spain are digitized. Yes, digitized means one and only one thing-that you need a stable internet to access them. 

Be it in banking, transport, healthcare, education, online dating in Spain et cetera, the internet takes center stage. With the best of the best network available in Spain, you will have a peace of mind of having excellent serviceS through and through. 

For those who value communication and information, of course most people do, the very first thing to do in Spain is to locate your  possible internet service providers. Actually, right from the airport, you will need the internet to get an idea about your location and wherever the destination you are heading. Here, the coordinates of google maps come in pretty handy.

Want an internet connection in Spain? Do this…

Anyone who wishes to have an internet connection anywhere in Spain may need to look nowhere other than WIFI Away. It ranks among the best and suitable solutions to have the internet in Spain. Just to mention, this alternative comes with a 4G Wi-Fi device to which you can connect up to 10 computers, mobile phones or tablets. 3G and 4G networks are very stable and the very key thing to do once you land in Spain is to book Wi-Fi and see if it works before making any step. If you have no coverage, they will send it back and refund the payments. Although the experts are up to the task and can alternatively offer you a state-of-the art – generation device connected to the 4G networks with speeds that can reach speeds similar to optic fibre of up to 40Mbps download and 10Mbps upload.

Affordable internet providers in Spain

The price to pay for the internet in Spain entirely depends on the Wi-fi providers and services you want to get. For example, if you prefer the big providers, you will realize they are quite expensive than the small ones. The big providers are however known to offer high quality services and it’s advisable you use it but alternatively you can still choose one of low-cost internet providers operating in Spain. 

A typical internet package in Spain will give you download speeds of up to 100 Mb, calls to Spanish landline numbers and several minutes to calls to Spanish mobile numbers. Sounds good right?

The main internet providers in Spain include;

  • Movistar
  • Vodafone
  • Orange
  • Mismove
  • Yoigo
  • Jazztel
  • Lowi
  • Pepephone

Requirements for an internet subscription in Spain

It entirely depends on each internet provider, but the following documents would be enough when signing a contract with Spanish internet providers. 

  1. Passport
  2. NIE [an ID number for foreigners]
  3. Spanish bank account
  4. Proof of address.

Some providers may be reluctant to offer you a contract if you are not a Spanish national, and some may ask you for a deposit. If you think you are being asked to pay over the odds because you are a foreigner, cancel your order and try another provider.

Internet Roaming in Spain

Roaming is covered in Spain zones as part of the tariffs. So, your data [subject to a roaming limit], minutes and text allowances works in all Spain zones just like they do at home.

The secret is to have a data monthly allowance of over 25GB, because with that, you will have a data roaming limit of 25GB when roaming in Spain zones. You can use up to 25GB of your allowance at no extra cost.  

Most recommended Spain Wi-Fi and sim cards

1.Barcelona; Unlimited 4G Internet and pocket Wi-fi in Spain

You can fully stay connected while traveling in Spain. This is just to avoid expensive data roaming charges, connecting to unsecured public internet points and the constant search for Wi-fi every time you need an internet connection

2. Seville; unlimited 4G internet in Spain with pocket Wi-Fi

Here you can use a portable Wi-fi device to avoid expensive data roaming charges throughout your stay in Spain. Save yourself the time for looking for free Wi-fi connections or the risk of connecting to insecure public internet points. By doing so you will get to watch movies, play games and even stream your playlists using live navigations.

3.Madrid; unlimited pocket Wi-Fi 4G internet

Here you can rent a portable Wi-fi and discover Spain. With this package you can avoid having to buy a high-cost data package in advance, and there will be no need to charge or change a sim card. Avoid expensive data roaming charges and connecting to unsecured public internet points. Your 4G connection speed won’t be reduced at any level of data usage.
